The added benefit of an additional supply of the collagen building molecules lysine and proline
Did you know that about a third of all the proteins in our bodies are collagen molecules? Collagen is the main component in connective tissue. It serves, for example, to build blood vessels, cartilage, bones, teeth and our skin. Connective tissue forms a biological network that strengthens our body and lends it support and stability.
Collagen fibres have a similar stabilizing function to that of reinforced concrete girders in a skyscraper. Millions of these stabilizing molecules form the connective tissue network of the body, bones, skin and the walls of our blood vessels.
Vitamin C is necessary for the body’s cells so that they can produce a sufficient amount of functionally capable effective collagen fibres. The human body itself cannot make vitamin C, so vitamin C must be supplied in our food.
The same applies to lysine, an essential (i.e. vital, but not made by the body itself) amino acid, which must likewise be supplied by food. Proline is not essential. Our cells can produce this collagen molecule component themselves to a certain extent. Its supply in a balanced diet serves further as an additional source.
Lysin and vitamin C are essential, and must be ingested with food. Proline, on the other hand, can also to some extent be formed by the body itself, but its supply may not be sufficient in certain conditions. ProlysinC™ contains a combination of these three nutrient components as an additional daily supply.